Our Fishing group meets each month for breakfast
at 7:30 A.M. on the 2nd Thursday at Cozy Diner Restaurant. Please
join us, if you enjoy fishing. We take a number of trips to Lassen and Plumas Counties as well
as Ft Bragg. We'll stay in member's summer homes and do some
camping as well. Both trolling from boats and fishing from the
bank are enjoyed by our members. Our group consists of about twenty members
and new members are always
You do not need a boat, just a fishing
license. For more information contact Dana Davis or Bill Colvin.
Breakfast November 11, 2021.
Schedule of Fishing Trips for 2025:
Feb 26 (Wed), Lake Oroville.
March 25-27, (Tue-Wed-Thurs), Collins Lake
April 14-16,(Mon-Tues-Wed), Lake Almanor
May 28-30, (Wed-Thurs-Fri), Antelope Lake
June 24-26, (Tue-Wed-Thurs), Bucks Lake
July 29-31, (Tue-Wed-Thurs), Medicine Lake
Aug 26-28, (Tue-Wed-Thurs), Eagle Lake
Sept 23-25, (Tue-Wed-Thurs), Lake Davis and/or Frenchman Lake
Oct 10-12, (Fri-Sat-Sun) Trinity Lake or Lake Siskiyou
Fishing on Lake Almanor September 26-27, 2023.
Fishermen from L to R: Bob Weckerle and Vic Fisher.
Fishermen from L to R: Vern Hartman, Frank Moody and Howard Hamman.
Don Phillips in his red boat.
Larry Kreider with the largest fish caught this year.
A 25 inch German Brown trout, caught by Larry Kreider.
The fishermen relaxing at Don Phillip's cabin after a day on the lake.
Various fishing trips, 2022.
Bob at Davis Lake March 2022.
Greg and Vern at Davis Lake.
Tim ,Vern and Howard at Collins Lk., April 26, 2022.
Tim, Greg, Larry and Don are deciding who's name goes on the Les VanderVelden Trophy.
Fishing Salt Water at Ft Bragg are Larry, Vern, Steve and Tim, August 3, 2022.
Fishing on Bucks Lake August 23-25, 2022.
The fishing group is finishing the summer season on a positive note. The August trip to Bucks Lake allowed everyone to catch fish. Some caught more than others. Fourteen fishermen made the trip. Vern Hartman provide a truly outstanding "fish fry" for Tuesday dinner.
Happy Campers at Buck's Lake.
Bill and Jim at Buck's Lake.
Nice rainbow caught by Vic at Buck's Lake.
Looking for the biggest fish caught at Lake Almanor in the fall of 2022.
Dinner at Don's place at Lake Almanor.